Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Zealand Summer and New Year

Well, we've been back in NZ for about a month now and we have been playing the waiting game an awful lot - it would seem to me.  I did the medical exam required for my visa application the day after we arrived back, including a routine chest x-ray for signs of tuberculosis, then I did my blood and urine tests the next day once I had rehydrated a bit from the plane rides.  The doctor said that he saw no indicators that I wouldn't meet the health requirements for the visa so I'm not too concerned about that part of the process.

Once all that was done I could send off the last of the paperwork and a week or so later I received a letter with my appointment for the US Consular interview in Auckland.  It's at the end of January so there will be much twiddling of thumbs until then.  If the visa is approved then I should receive my passport, with visa included, back about 3 business days later.  A high school friend of mine has said I can stay the night in her spare room so I'll be flying up to Auckland the day before, since the appointment is at 10am, and then flying back to Wellington that afternoon.  I managed to get the tickets on sale with Jetstar for $39 NZ each way before tax so that's a slight relief on the financial front. 

Speaking of finances; I've been applying for jobs but a recruitment agent said that not a lot is going on at this time of the year with most roles starting late January or February.  Since we plan to leave pretty much as soon as I have the visa in my hands there would seem little point to accepting even a temporary role in mid-late January.  I'd probably have to leave before training finished if it were anything more than a very basic temp job.  Still, it's a requirement that I apply for jobs because of unemployment payment rules and when I tried to explain the situation to them they didn't want to hear about it.  They will be summoning me sometime after 9 January to provide evidence that I am seeking employment.  It's all incredibly demoralising, actually.  Paypal have also decided to lock fiance out of his account so he has to wait until his US bank opens on Wednesday (NZ time) before he can get his bank account number to unlock his paypal.  I don't understand why his online banking doesn't display his bank account number as mine does.  It's terribly inconvenient and this isn't the first time we've needed his account number yet been unable to obtain it.  Perhaps some feedback to his bank is in order.

On a less whiny note: the pohutukawa trees are starting to bloom in earnest now so I plan to get some good pictures of them to remind me of my home town when I'm living in the frozen north.  There have been so many tui birds around where we live - I don't think I've seen them so often in my life!  There's one which seems to come to perch on a branch that can be seen from the living room window most days and sings for us.  I even heard one imitating a car alarm one morning which I found amusing and quite impressive.  Anyway, fiance wants to go out for curry so I better get organised.

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