Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 4

I can't think of anything more creative to call my posts at the moment but it is 1.32am so perhaps that can be forgiven.

Once we gave up hope that any plumbers would get back to us that same day, I decided to watch a movie on Netflix - another bonus of living in the States and made possible by lack of broadband caps - and the movie I chose was called "What Dreams May Come".  Without giving too much away, it was something similar to the Orpheus and Eurydice story; only with contemporary US Americans and involving  more Heaven and Hell than Hades and dealings with the Gods.  I cried, a lot, as I am wont to do in any even slightly evocative film.  Then, like an idiot who wants her body clock to be even more messed up, I stayed up until 6am writing.

A few hours later, a plumber called and arranged to come over in a couple of hours.  By this point, I was relieved but too tired to really do much other than go back to bed.  My fiancé, who had not slept a wink all night, on the other hand was the one who waited for them, directed them to the pump and then arranged payment after calling the future-in-law for details.  Just to give a bit of background; fiancé spent the last 3 years of high school studying from home because of severe and constant panic attacks which were later diagnosed as Panic Disorder, along with Major Depressive Disorder and he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when he was in his pre-teens.  This is a man who, less than 1 year ago, was so crippled by his illnesses that he couldn't step out his front door - let alone answer the front door to talk with a stranger.  But he took care of everything, while I was taking my zombie-sleep, without much more than a single hesitation.  He is amazing.

I was really surprised that it only took a couple of hours for the plumbers to replace the outside water pump for the well and about 200 metres of pipes.  Then we had water again.  I still feel a little giddy at the privilege of having running water - as silly as that might sound to those who take it for granted.  Once the plumbers left we both slept until about 6pm.  I spent this evening cooking because I had been too scared to do so the day before as I didn't want a mountain of filthy dishes to attract insects to our kitchen.  I also had to clean (with the help of the dishwasher) all the dishes that had been piling up.  I think I do have an obsessive compulsion to wash my hands when ever they feel slightly less than clean because, by the end of the time we had gone without running water, I was getting really frustrated at how sticky and filthy my hands felt.  1+ neuroses for me, I guess.

My body clock is still mad at me, which is why I am writing rather than sleeping at this moment, but I'm hoping that it will play nice soon and let me sleep.  Fiancé wants to go to church in the morning and I said I'd go with him.  I'm not overly fond of churches but this one is quite nice, mostly because they don't force you to believe anything and teach acceptance and celebration of differences, so I don't mind accompanying him.  The people there are nice and I should probably try to make some friends here and it seems like a place to start.

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