Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fortnight of Laziness

I was going to post something more whimsical tonight, a post idea I've had since I started this blog or perhaps before then, but I just realised that it's been over 2 weeks since I last made a post.  So this is an update post for those who know me.

I've been here just shy of 1 month and I don't feel like I've accomplished a lot of what needs to get done.  I'm no clearer on what I can do to sort out immigration but I do have an appointment to talk to a lawyer about my situation so I can get advice on the best course of action and what my options actually are.  I've read a few books for pleasure, as opposed to text books, and watched lots of Futurama, Invader Zim, The Simpsons, The Daily Show and Colbert Report.  I have, supposedly, made friends with the dog.  I think it's more of a truce, really, because I am undeniably a cat person.

I have plenty of forms to fill out, though some I am waiting to speak to the lawyer about before filling in or submitting, but it's been increasingly difficult to find the motivation.  I know how terribly self-defeating it is to procrastinate on these matters but there was a point where I felt every time I made an inquiry about my situation I found out that I was even worse off than I had originally thought.  That mindset is another self-defeating behaviour, I do realise, and I finally just decided to give myself last weekend off worrying and fretting to relax before tackling the tasks on Monday.  Hence why I have the lawyer appointment tomorrow; because I finally had the energy to find a lawyer and set it up.

I really struggled with eating safe and healthful foods when I was busy finishing up my study at super-speed in NZ so it's been wonderful to have the time and resources to try out recipes I've been wanting to.  I was frustrated that I had a cupboard full of spices but was lacking one that I wanted.  Then, at future-in-law's behest, I looked again and found that I had everything to make the spice mix that I wanted.  So, tonight I made my own 5 spice with freshly ground star anise, fennel seeds, Szechuan peppers, cloves and cinnamon.  It smells delicious so I'm looking forward to when I've made enough room in the fridge to make more food.  I have been over-doing it just a tad since I'm out-pacing myself with how much I can actually eat.  I do have some help with consuming the dishes but future-in-law doesn't want to eat all my safe food and fiancé doesn't like all of it.  I am eating a lot of pasta.  There's still at least 20 pounds of dry pasta in the pantry (that's about 20 boxes, 8 servings per box) but fiancé is helping me eat it too.

I think I've probably rambled on long enough tonight.  I am still alive and, relatively, well.  Hopefully my next post will be more entertaining and I'll take my camera out with me tomorrow when we go to North Attleborough (20 minutes away) to see the lawyer.  I might catch some squirrels or chipmunks being cute.  You never know; they seem to make a habit of it around these parts.

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