Monday, October 10, 2011

Good News and Bad News

The good news is that I will be coming back to New Zealand at the end of November this year.  That is also the bad news, however.

I have to go back to NZ to sort out my visa. I need to have the medical examination there with a US immigration approved doctor and also have my consular interview at the Auckland US Consulate - the only US consulate in the country.  So, it's not so much a matter of choosing to come back as it is a matter of having to come back.

It's really a matter of unfortunate timing.  I had to come back to the USA to bring fiance back so he could get his medication refilled and because his NZ visa was finished.  I also didn't understand that there would be a stage after the initial application, which was approved a few days before I left NZ, so I hadn't realised that I would have to enter the US on a temporary vistor's visa.  And I also didn't know that under no circumstances can a person change status from a non-immigration visa onto an immigration visa without having to leave the continent and surrounding islands.

There is one other piece of good news, though.  It turns out that it will take less time to get an interview with the US Consulate and have my visa processed to completion than I had expected.  The Montreal US Consulate would take 5-7 months but the Auckland US Consulate apparently will take 3-12 weeks.  Of course, I seems that I can't actually ask for an appointment until after I have the results of the medical exam so I can't do that until I've returned to NZ and had the appointment and, supposedly, results could take up to 3 weeks to come through.  So, all in all, it could be 4 or so months before I can return to the US on an immigration visa (if one is approved) after returning to NZ.  Since I'm here until November it could be April before I get back to the USA.

It feels like a big, annoying waste of time and money but if it's what I need to do to be with fiance permanently then I'll just have to get it done.  Perhaps I can find some temp work while I'm there to help with the finances.  I still find it really hard no being financially independent for the first time in years.  Still, needs must.  I think I'm coming near to the end of the mountain of paperwork that I need to complete.  The weather is getting more mild here so it's easier for me to go out during the day.  Fiance is taking me out for a late lunch and grocery shopping soon.  We really need to find people to hang out with here; it seems like most of the 20-somethings here have gone off to college.  We've got a couple of leads, though, so we'll check those out.

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